– 4つのタスクで構成されている
– 各タスクに与えられる準備時間は15~30秒
– 各タスクの解答時間は45~60秒
– 全体で約17分の試験時間
1. 身近なトピックについて意見を述べる
2. 学生生活に関する話題について意見を述べる
3. 学習者の会話を聞いて要約し、意見を述べる
4. 学術的な講義を聞いて要約し、意見を述べる
My favorite season is spring. There are several reasons why I love this season. First, the weather is very pleasant during spring. It’s neither too hot nor too cold, which makes it perfect for outdoor activities. Second, spring is the season of new beginnings. Trees start to grow new leaves, and flowers bloom everywhere. This refreshing atmosphere always gives me a sense of hope and positivity. Finally, spring is a great time to spend with family and friends. We can enjoy various outdoor events together, such as cherry blossom viewing and picnics. For these reasons, spring is my favorite season.
Group studying has several advantages. First, it allows students to share their knowledge and ideas with each other. When studying in a group, students can learn from their peers’ perspectives and insights, which can deepen their understanding of the subject matter. Second, group studying can keep students motivated. When studying alone, it’s easy to lose motivation and procrastinate. However, when studying with others, students can encourage and support each other, which can help them stay on track. Finally, group studying can improve students’ communication and collaboration skills. By working together toward a common goal, students can learn how to effectively communicate their ideas and collaborate with others. These skills are not only important for academic success but also essential for future careers. In conclusion, group studying offers numerous benefits for students, from enhancing learning to developing essential life skills.
The student expresses her opinion about the university library renovation plan. She supports the plan because the current library has several issues that need to be addressed. Firstly, the library is always crowded, and it’s difficult to find a place to study, especially during exam periods. Secondly, the library’s technology is outdated, with slow computers and printers that often malfunction. Finally, the library’s collection is limited, and students often have to wait for weeks to borrow popular books. The student believes that the renovation plan, which includes expanding study spaces, upgrading technology, and increasing the book collection, will greatly improve the library’s functionality and better serve students’ needs. I completely agree with the student’s opinion. A well-functioning library is essential for students’ academic success. The proposed renovation plan addresses the critical issues that students currently face and will provide them with a more conducive learning environment. Moreover, investing in the library’s improvement shows that the university values students’ education and is committed to supporting their learning. In my opinion, the university should prioritize this renovation plan to ensure that students have access to the resources and facilities they need to excel in their studies.
The lecture discusses the causes and effects of water pollution. The speaker explains that water pollution is mainly caused by human activities, such as industrial waste disposal, agricultural runoff, and sewage discharge. These activities introduce harmful substances like chemicals, pesticides, and bacteria into water bodies, making the water unsafe for consumption and damaging aquatic ecosystems. The effects of water pollution are far-reaching and devastating. Firstly, polluted water can cause various health problems in humans, such as gastrointestinal diseases, reproductive issues, and neurological disorders. Secondly, water pollution can lead to the degradation of aquatic habitats, causing the death of fish, plants, and other organisms. This not only disrupts the ecological balance but also affects the livelihoods of people who depend on these resources. Finally, water pollution can have long-term economic consequences, as it increases healthcare costs, reduces agricultural productivity, and hampers tourism. I found this lecture very informative and alarming. Water pollution is a critical issue that requires immediate attention and action. The speaker effectively highlights the human role in causing water pollution and the severe consequences it has on public health, the environment, and the economy. I believe that addressing water pollution requires a multi-faceted approach. Governments should enforce stricter regulations on industrial waste management and agricultural practices. Individuals can also contribute by reducing their use of harmful chemicals, properly disposing of waste, and supporting clean water initiatives. Moreover, investing in wastewater treatment infrastructure and promoting water conservation can help mitigate the impact of water pollution. It is crucial that we all take responsibility and work together to protect our water resources for the well-being of current and future generations.
1. 解答例を音読する:解答例を声に出して読むことで、自然な英語の発音やイントネーションを習得することができます。
2. 解答例を暗記する:解答例を暗記することで、TOEFLスピーキングで使える語彙や表現を増やすことができます。ただし、丸暗記するのではなく、自分の言葉で表現できるようにアレンジすることが大切です。
3. 解答例の構成を分析する:解答例がどのように構成されているかを分析することで、効果的な意見の述べ方を学ぶことができます。序論、本論、結論の流れを意識して、自分の解答を組み立てましょう。
4. 解答例をもとに練習する:解答例を参考に、実際にスピーキングの練習をすることが重要です。解答例と同じトピックで練習するだけでなく、様々なトピックで応用練習をすることで、本番に備えることができます。
1. 公式ガイドブック:ETS(Educational Testing Service)が発行するTOEFL公式ガイドブックには、実際の問題や解答例が収録されています。本番の雰囲気を知るために、必ず活用しましょう。
2. オンライン学習プラットフォーム:TOEFLの学習に特化したオンライン学習プラットフォームがあります。例えば、「Magoosh」や「Notefull」などは、スピーキングの練習問題や添削サービスを提供しています。
3. 英語ニュース番組:CNNやBBCなどの英語ニュース番組を視聴することで、リスニング力と語彙力を同時に伸ばすことができます。スピーキングの話題にもなりやすいため、積極的に活用しましょう。
4. 英語スピーキングアプリ:英語スピーキングの練習に特化したアプリもあります。例えば、「ELSA Speak」や「Cake」などは、発音やイントネーションのフィードバックをくれるため、自学自習に役立ちます。
1. 時間配分に注意する:TOEFLスピーキングでは、限られた時間内で解答を完成させる必要があります。解答例を参考に、各タスクの時間配分を意識しながら練習しましょう。
2. 明瞭に話す:TOEFLスピーキングでは、発音やイントネーションの明瞭さも評価の対象になります。解答例の音読練習を通して、聞き手に伝わりやすい話し方を身につけましょう。
3. 語彙を増やす:TOEFLスピーキングで高得点を取るには、豊富な語彙力が必要です。解答例から学んだ語彙を日常的に使うことで、語彙力を増強しましょう。
4. 自信を持って話す:TOEFLスピーキングでは、自信を持って話すことが重要です。解答例を十分に練習し、自分の意見を堂々と述べられるようにしましょう。